More than six weeks since its ini­tial re­lease, the Finnish De­fense Forces’ wartime pho­to ser­vice con­tin­ues its pop­u­lar­i­ty with high num­bers of dai­ly vis­i­tors and search­es

The gallery, “From the front lines to the home front 1939–1945”, is a col­lec­tion of about 160,000 pho­tos de­pict­ing life in Fin­land dur­ing World War II and is served by Any­graaf’s Neo CMS. Af­ter its ini­tial rush of search­es when first launched in late April, the site con­tin­ues to re­ceive about 3,500 to 4,000 vis­i­tors dai­ly with about 120,000 dis­tinct search­es per­formed per day.

Among the re­gions with the most num­ber of vis­i­tors, Fin­land ranks first, fol­lowed by vis­i­tors from Swe­den, Rus­sia and the Unit­ed States. Each of these re­gions post­ed more than ten thou­sand vis­i­tors dur­ing the most re­cent mon­i­tor­ing pe­ri­od.

Ad­di­tion­al­ly, the pop­u­lar­i­ty of the ser­vice has gained sig­nif­i­cant no­tice by the me­dia ac­cord­ing to mon­i­tor­ing per­formed by Finnish De­fense Forces. Through the end of May, more than 230 dis­tinct hits were iden­ti­fied on me­dia out­lets with thou­sands more com­ments, likes and shares not­ed in so­cial me­dia net­works.

The pho­to col­lec­tion, served by Any­graaf, is avail­able on­line at SA-ku­
