Pa­pers back­ground com­mu­ni­ty is very well known in Fin­land, this con­cen­tra­tion of ser­vices called Tu­urin kyläkaup­pa (Tu­uri´s vil­lageshop) is a pop­u­lar tourist spot and at­trac­tion as well.

"We end­ed up to Any­graaf´s AProf­it be­cause of the sim­ple rea­son that we want­ed best sys­tem avail­able in the mar­ket. Any­graaf´s im­pres­sive cus­tomer ref­er­ence list al­so spoke on be­half AProf­it. We want­ed a sys­tem that main­tain­ing, up­grad­ing and de­vel­op­ment process­es are go­ing smooth­ly and re­li­ably," CEO Kari Kar­vo­nen says.



AProf­it ad sys­tem has been de­signed for com­plete man­age­ment of ad busi­ness. It en­ables an ef­fi­cient con­trol of ad cus­tomers (CRM) and pro­duces ver­sa­tile re­ports that sup­port the ad busi­ness.

More in­for­ma­tion

Tu­urin Lehti Oy, CEO Kari Kar­vo­nen, kari.kar­vo­nen(at)

Any­graaf Oy, Mar­ket­ing Man­ag­er San­na Ko­vasi­ipi, san­na.ko­vasi­ipi(at)any­