Smart cache

The biggest in­no­va­tion is the serv­er's In­tel­li­gent con­tent cache. Be­cause cus­tomers re­trieve their con­tent di­rect­ly from the same data­base used for de­liv­ery, caching the serv­er is min­i­mized. The smart cache dis­trib­utes up-to-date, de­vice-op­ti­mized con­tent quick­ly and in­tel­li­gent­ly, and the lay­out of the pub­li­ca­tion is on­ly cre­at­ed on the de­vice at the mo­ment of read­ing.

Re­spon­sive, op­ti­mized and quick­ly up­dat­ed lay­out

Be­cause the con­tent and lay­out are com­plete­ly sep­a­rat­ed, you can take ad­van­tage of the lat­est brows­er fea­tures: HTML5, javascript, and CSS tech­nolo­gies to cre­ate the lay­out for dif­fer­ent read­ing de­vices and browsers. Smart Cache au­to­mat­i­cal­ly sends a sys­tem-op­ti­mized con­tent pack­et to your de­vice. The pic­tures and videos have al­ready been adapt­ed by the sys­tem. de­vice re­quire­ments. The lay­out and con­tent re­spond re­spon­si­bly to the shape and size of the de­vice.

The appearance and functionality of websites implemented with NeoDirect are designed according to the customer's needs. The focus of the design is mobile, but the pages are also scalable for other end devices.

The appearance and functionality of websites implemented with NeoDirect are designed according to the customer's needs. The focus of the design is mobile, but the pages are also scalable for other end devices.

Easy con­tent pack­ag­ing

When web pub­lish­ing is a seam­less part of the de­liv­ery process, con­tent can be eas­i­ly pack­aged and pub­lished vi­su­al­ly in a va­ri­ety of for­mats. In ad­di­tion, this seam­less­ness of the sys­tems can al­so be thought of from a com­mer­cial point of view: when the con­tent pack­age is ef­fort­less to cre­ate, the pack­ag­ing can be done with­out sep­a­rate tech­ni­cal staff with the pow­er of de­liv­ery, cost-ef­fec­tive­ly and quick­ly. The time spent cre­at­ing a new pub­li­ca­tion is cal­cu­lat­ed in hours rather than days or months! Up to the last, read­er pro­fil­ing can al­so be tak­en in­to ac­count in pack­ag­ing, and pub­li­ca­tions can be cre­at­ed up to in­di­vid­ual lev­els as cus­tomized con­tent en­ti­ties.

In­ter­est­ings ar­ti­cle:

Lo­cal pa­per dou­bled the users