In­g­mar Micheel, who is the project man­ag­er and who leads the graph­ic de­part­ment at Knit­tler, has been pleased with the new Neo sys­tem since the start of the project.

"Both the man­age­ment and ed­i­to­r­i­al staff have since the be­gin­ning of the project com­mit­ted to the new sys­tem. Work­ing with our staff, the com­pa­ny set a sav­ings tar­get of 30 per­cent in pro­duc­tion with the new sys­tem. This we can achieve us­ing Neo thanks to flex­i­ble re­source man­age­ment and a fo­cus on new projects and busi­ness mod­els, com­pared with the over­time cre­at­ed by our pre­vi­ous pro­duc­tion mod­el , "says Micheel.

Knit­tler is par­tic­u­lar­ly im­pressed by Any­graaf’s project man­age­ment skills. A medi­um-sized com­pa­ny can not ded­i­cate staff for a long time to IT projects. Any­graaf took this in­to ac­count and the project was car­ried out so that the pub­lish­er saved on costs.

"We chose Any­graaf’s Neo be­cause we want­ed to op­ti­mize ed­i­to­r­i­al process­es," says pub­lish­er and CEO Rein­hard Knit­tler. Knit­tler sees their choice as long-term. "The new ed­i­to­r­i­al sys­tem is just the be­gin­ning and we trust that it al­so lays the foun­da­tion for new in­no­va­tions. Co­op­er­a­tion with Any­graaf is a big step for us to­ward the mod­ern means of pub­li­ca­tion and it ad­dress­eses fu­ture busi­ness process­es. "
