With these two news­pa­pers as well as the re­gion­al news­pa­per for the Lüneb­urg Heath, which is pub­lished in the Lüneb­urg dis­trict, and the ad­ver­tis­ing pa­per “Lünepost”, the Lüneb­urg Me­dia House of­fers lo­cal, re­gion­al and na­tion­al news and in­for­ma­tion for the ap­prox­i­mate­ly 450,000 peo­ple liv­ing here in an area that stretch­es from Buch­holz in the Nord­hei­de to Amt Neuhaus an der Elbe in the north-east of Low­er Sax­ony.

Link to orig­i­nal ar­ti­cle (in Ger­man)