Save the Chil­dren Fin­land "Thanks to our donors, we pro­vide fam­i­lies with gro­cery gift cards, sup­port for hob­bies and ed­u­ca­tion­al ma­te­ri­als, and of­fer young peo­ple low-thresh­old on­line coun­sel­ing.

Ad­di­tion­al­ly, we sup­port fam­i­lies in chal­leng­ing life sit­u­a­tions through ear­ly in­ter­ven­tion ser­vices, such as men­tor­ing, fos­ter fam­i­ly pro­grams, and sports bud­dies.

Last year, with the sup­port of our donors, we reached near­ly 70,000 chil­dren in Fin­land."

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Doc­tors With­out Bor­ders Fin­land "With the sup­port of com­pa­nies, foun­da­tions, and oth­er pri­vate donors, our or­ga­ni­za­tion can act in­de­pen­dent­ly, neu­tral­ly, and im­par­tial­ly, with­out po­lit­i­cal pres­sure in the midst of war and con­flict. Where the need is great­est.

We may not be able to spread Christ­mas cheer, but we can save lives."

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