The lo­cal news­pa­pers Suomenselän Sanomat and Ähtärin­jär­ven Uutis­nuot­ta are em­brac­ing the mod­ern dig­i­tal era with con­fi­dence! The dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion in­tro­duces cut­ting-edge NeoDi­rect web ser­vices, en­abling re­al-time news feeds. Read­ers can now seam­less­ly en­joy con­tent, whether they pre­fer print or dig­i­tal edi­tions.

Ad­ver­tis­ers ben­e­fit from more flex­i­ble on­line ad­ver­tis­ing man­age­ment, while sub­scribers gain ac­cess to a ver­sa­tile pay­wall that cov­ers all sub­scrip­tion types.

This is just the be­gin­ning—Suomenselän Sanomat Oy is de­vel­op­ing its dig­i­tal ser­vices to bring read­ers and lo­cal busi­ness­es clos­er to­geth­er!

About Suomenselän Sanomat Oy and Ähtärin­jär­ven Uutis­nuot­ta:

Suomenselän Sanomat is an in­de­pen­dent lo­cal news­pa­per pub­lished on Thurs­days, that chron­i­cles the events of the town of Vir­rat and its sur­round­ings.

Ähtärin­jär­ven Uutis­nuot­ta is an in­de­pen­dent lo­cal news­pa­per pub­lished on Thurs­days. The news bul­letin chron­i­cles the events in Lehtimä­ki, Soi­ni and Ähtäri.

About Any­graaf:

Any­graaf spe­cial­izes in com­pre­hen­sive me­dia man­age­ment so­lu­tions, with in­stal­la­tions across 20 coun­tries, serv­ing over 400 cus­tomer or­ga­ni­za­tions and more than 15,000 end users.

More in­for­ma­tion:

Suomenselän Sanomat Oy, Mer­ja Yli­nen

Any­graaf Oy, Mat­ti Natunen