The news­pa­per Kuukke­li, which is pub­lished in Yl­läs, has launched its new on­line ser­vice. The site has been pro­duced with Any­graaf's NeoDi­rect. The con­tent is pro­duced in Neo.

The project was com­plet­ed in the spring. The in­ter­rup­tion in the tourist sea­son gave the pub­lish­er the op­por­tu­ni­ty to re­new the on­line ser­vice faster than planned.

– As soon as the mag­a­zine took a break, I start­ed a de­vel­op­ment project that I orig­i­nal­ly planned to im­ple­ment in a year, says Satu Renko, ed­i­tor-in-chief and en­tre­pre­neur be­hind the mag­a­zine pub­lish­er Lu­o­va Me­dia Oy.

As a ba­sis for the re­new­al, a read­er sur­vey was used in which 193 tourists, 78 sub­scribers and 92 lo­cal res­i­dents in Yl­läs par­tic­i­pat­ed. The feed­back was used in the plan­ning of both the print­ed news­pa­per and the web pages.

The new pages fea­ture top­ics re­lat­ed to tourism and camp­ing, which were pop­u­lar in the read­er sur­vey.

The pages al­so pub­lish a re­newed ser­vice cal­en­dar which is con­stant­ly up­dat­ed.

Kuukke­li's on­line ser­vice was last re­newed three years ago.

– The pages have worked well but I al­ways had a feel­ing that they could be some­thing much more. Coro­na made us re­al­ize that some­thing needs to be done. We al­so want to reach read­ers when the pa­per is not pub­lished.

Renko be­lieves that there is al­ways a de­mand for a La­p­land tourist and camp­ing mag­a­zine like Kuukke­li:

– Dur­ing the past year, the num­ber of vis­i­tors to Kuukke­li's web­sites has al­ready dou­bled. With the coro­na epi­dem­ic, the num­ber con­tin­ued to in­crease.

Even if the project is com­plet­ed, the work does not stop.

– There are still many small things that can be done bet­ter. But the biggest job is done. A spe­cial thank you goes to Puro Con­sult­ing Oy's Kirsti Iko­nen, who is re­spon­si­ble for the de­sign of the pages, and Any­graaf's Ax­el Num­mi, who pa­tient­ly man­aged to re­al­ize our vi­sions, says Renko.

Kuukke­li has been pub­lished since 1989. The mag­a­zine is pub­lished 20 times a year.

Fur­ther in­for­ma­tion:

Ed­i­tor-in-Chief Satu Renko, Lu­o­va Me­dia Oy, tel. 050 301 7181

Sales Man­ag­er Mat­ti Natunen, Any­graaf Oy, tel. 0500 202 278

Kuukke­li's web­site: www.kuukke­