Since de­ploy­ing their Any­graaf so­lu­tions in a host­ed en­vi­ron­ment, Ylä-Sa­takun­ta has built an ad­ver­tis­ing and sub­scriber man­age­ment method­ol­o­gy that strength­ens dai­ly cus­tomer ser­vice tasks and iden­ti­fies new op­por­tu­ni­ties. Us­ing AProf­it and CProf­it, they are able to cross sell, rate and in­voice mul­ti­chan­nel ad­ver­tis­ing cam­paigns. These of­fer­ings in­clude Out­door Dig­i­tal and LED (light emit­ting diode) or DOOH (Dig­i­tal Out of Home) signs that are sold and billed us­ing Any­graaf so­lu­tions.

The ex­pan­sion of ser­vices is strong­ly re­lat­ed to Ylä-Sa­takun­ta's role as Any­graaf's part­ner and provider of Any­graaf's ser­vices. "It is pos­si­ble for in­de­pen­dent lo­cal news­pa­pers to ben­e­fit from the co­op­er­a­tion and ben­e­fits that have been re­served on­ly for news­pa­per chains for a long time. Our com­pa­ny fo­cus­es and spe­cial­izes in this role, and we of­fer our ex­per­tise to oth­ers. I strong­ly be­lieve that by in­creas­ing co­op­er­a­tion, the op­er­at­ing con­di­tions and com­pet­i­tive­ness of small news­pa­pers can be im­proved," says Ylä-Sa­takun­nan Sanomale­hti Oy's CEO and Ylä-Sa­takun­ta's ed­i­tor-in-chief Juk­ka Huikko.

The CProf­it por­tal was cho­sen to sim­pli­fy the dai­ly tasks of sub­scrip­tion man­age­ment with a straight­for­ward brows­er-based in­ter­face, and to fa­cil­i­tate sub­scrip­tion track­ing on a month­ly, week­ly, and even dai­ly ba­sis as eas­i­ly as pos­si­ble. Fur­ther­more, the dai­ly op­er­a­tions of cus­tomer ser­vice are sim­pli­fied and im­proved. Ylä-Sa­takun­ta will be us­ing Any­graaf's Por­tals to in­crease ad­ver­tis­ing and sub­scrip­tion sales, ef­fi­cien­cy and most of all - re­sults.

"Ylä-Sa­takun­ta is stream­lin­ing its ad­ver­tis­ing sales op­er­a­tions by de­ploy­ing the brows­er-based AProf­it por­tal. This so­lu­tion makes it easy to man­age short sales cam­paigns by ex­ter­nal per­son­nel, as the sys­tem can be made avail­able to out­side sales­peo­ple with min­i­mal train­ing. Ad­di­tion­al­ly, the di­verse re­port­ing ca­pa­bil­i­ties make it eas­i­er to mon­i­tor sales per­for­mance," says Ylä-Sa­takun­ta’s Ed­i­tor-in-Chief, Juk­ka Huikko.

An­nu­al Con­tracts, Ban­ner Ad­ver­tis­ing, Dig­i­tal or Dis­play Out­door Ad­ver­tis­ing, and So­cial Me­dia Ser­vices can all be ful­filled by Ylä-Sa­takun­ta's team of pro­fes­sion­als us­ing Any­graaf's host­ed Aprof­it and CProf­it por­tals.

About Any­graaf:

Any­graaf is a glob­al soft­ware provider of­fer­ing com­pre­hen­sive so­lu­tions for me­dia man­age­ment. Any­graaf has in­stal­la­tions in over 20 coun­tries, serv­ing 400 cus­tomer or­ga­ni­za­tions and more than 15,000 end users.

About Ylä-Sa­takun­nan Sanomale­hti Oy:

Ylä-Sa­takun­nan Sanomale­hti Oy pub­lish­es Ylä-Sa­takun­ta, a lo­cal news­pa­per for the ar­eas of Parkano, Karvia, and Ki­h­niö. The com­pa­ny al­so in­cludes Markki­noin­tipalvelu Vi­esti­t­uli, which of­fers LED board ad­ver­tis­ing as well as oth­er com­mu­ni­ca­tion and mar­ket­ing ser­vices.

 For more in­for­ma­tion:

 Janne Ahramo

So­lu­tion Sales, Any­graaf Oy


+358 400 617 562

Juk­ka Huikko

CEO, Ylä-Sa­takun­nan Sanomale­hti Oy

Ed­i­tor-in-Chief, Ylä-Sa­takun­ta


+358 29 170 6681