The as­so­ci­a­tion of free news­pa­pers cel­e­brat­ed 50 years of op­er­a­tion and af­ter a day of sem­i­nars and ex­hi­bi­tions, it was time for awards in var­i­ous cat­e­gories.

Mitt i won in the cat­e­go­ry Dig­i­tal ef­fort of the year, the ju­ry's jus­ti­fi­ca­tion was "In a tough com­pe­ti­tion for the dig­i­tal read­er, Mitt i has found a way where the read­er can tai­lor their flow ac­cord­ing to both ge­og­ra­phy and in­ter­ests. The site con­firms that lo­cal is most im­por­tant even when read­ing dig­i­tal­ly."

Back­ground for the ju­ry: Dig­i­tal in­vest­ment of the year. The ju­ry as­sess­es idea and ex­e­cu­tion on the ba­sis of read­er and user ex­pe­ri­ence as well as on the ba­sis of the ed­i­to­r­i­al or com­mer­cial ef­fect. In­no­va­tion and cre­ativ­i­ty are re­ward­ed.

Mitt i has to­geth­er with Any­graaf de­vel­oped mit­, Mitt i us­es Any­graaf's eNeo as its pub­lish­ing sys­tem both for its web­site and its pa­per mag­a­zines.

About Mitt i

When Mitt i start­ed in 1982, the most im­por­tant ba­sic ideas were that every­one should be able to af­ford and have the op­por­tu­ni­ty to take part in lo­cal news - that's how democ­ra­cy is strength­ened. With Mitt i, the peo­ple of Stock­holm got a strong voice that unites and de­vel­ops the lo­cal com­mu­ni­ty and that al­so high­lights the parts of the city that few peo­ple pay at­ten­tion to.

To­day, 40 years af­ter the start, we meet read­ers through­out the week - with the news­pa­per in the let­ter­box every week­end and in our dig­i­tal chan­nels every day.

We re­port on the news that con­cerns and en­gages our read­ers. We do this by re­view­ing what is not work­ing and at the same time high­light­ing what makes our mu­nic­i­pal­i­ties and neigh­bor­hoods bet­ter places to live.