Ylä-Satakunta is already using Anygraaf’s Neo content management system, AProfit media advertising management system, CProfit digital and print order management system and NeoDirect online publishing platform. With NeoDirect, Ylä-Satakunta has developed their online presence to include an enrichable ePaper that also meets the European Union’s accessibility requirements with automatic machine reading of articles.
“Neo’s eNeo browser-based user interface makes the work of the reporters easier, more flexible and from remote locations. It enables digital publishing to happen not only in real time but also in a targeted manner that reaches identified audiences. Our operation continues to strengthen our digital first strategy,” says Jukka Huikko, CEO of Ylä-Satakunnan Sanomalehti Oy and editor-in-chief of the local newspaper Ylä-Satakunta.
Beginning in 2020, Ylä-Satakunta implemented a major digital reform throughout its operations. The development work has continued steadily since that time. The innovations have also taken the possible needs of a future multi-paper environment into consideration.
“Anygraaf’s cooperation in establishing and implementing new development phases that supported our objectives convinced us,” says Huikko.
“Together with an innovative and future-oriented customer like Ylä-Satakunta, we have been able to build solutions that will last far into the future and enable a continuous development model based on the customer needs. We are looking forward to what the people of Ylä-Satakunta will come up with next,” says Janne Ahramo from Anygraaf.
Ylä-Satakunta is a local newspaper in Parkano, Karvia and Kihniö, which is published once a week on Wednesdays and online www.ylasatakunta.fi. The roots of the magazine date back to 1933, when Parkanon Sanomat started. Later, the name of the magazine was changed to Parkanon Seutu. Under the name Ylä-Satakunta, the magazine has been published since 1942.
More information:
• Sales Manager William Ryker, Anygraaf USA Inc, cell: 610/360-0074, bill.ryker(at)anygraaf.com