The NeoDi­rect pub­lish­ing plat­form en­ables ver­sa­tile add-on ser­vices for on­line ser­vices that pro­vide read­ers with more en­gag­ing and in­ter­ac­tive func­tion­al­i­ty.

Ex­am­ples of these are the Finnish Broad­cast­ing Com­pa­ny Yle news feed, NeoDi­rect's own fea­tures or oth­er third-par­ty ser­vices that pro­duce ma­te­r­i­al flow and can be im­port­ed as part of the web con­tent.

You can read more about the sub­ject in Yle's press re­lease or in the mag­a­zine Suomen Lehdis­tö.

Ylä-Sa­takun­ta has been a cus­tomer of Any­graaf since the be­gin­ning of Any­graaf. In Feb­ru­ary 2020, the long-term cus­tomer re­la­tion­ship changed shape when the sys­tems moved to Any­graaf's ser­vice plat­form. At the same time, the web­site be­came NeoDi­rect-based.

– The goal of the change is to meet cus­tomers' ex­pec­ta­tions. Read­ers will re­ceive more var­ied news and ser­vices around the clock, and ad­ver­tis­ers will gain vis­i­bil­i­ty across mul­ti­ple chan­nels for their ads in the fu­ture. The in­tro­duc­tion of the pay­ment wall makes all con­tent avail­able on­line and through new sub­scrip­tion for­mats, read­ers will have more op­por­tu­ni­ties to read the mag­a­zine thanks to the new pub­lish­ing plat­form and chan­nels.

– For Ylä-Sa­takun­ta's ed­i­to­r­i­al staff, one of the most im­por­tant se­lec­tion cri­te­ria for a sup­pli­er of new ser­vices was the flex­i­bil­i­ty of pub­lish­ing via a sin­gle pub­lish­ing sys­tem, while at the same time sim­pli­fy­ing the work­flow of the ed­i­to­r­i­al staff, sales and ad­ver­tis­ing pro­duc­tion. It was al­so im­por­tant for our de­ci­sion to min­i­mize the risks on the serv­er side. Now that the ser­vices work at Any­graaf's ser­vice cen­ter, all ma­te­r­i­al is se­cured and the sys­tems can be used re­mote­ly from any­where, says ed­i­tor-in-chief Juk­ka Huikko.

- The project stuck to the timetable. Al­though the project was chal­leng­ing when all ser­vices were trans­ferred from the cus­tomer to us, every­thing went very well. From our point of view, it is nice to be in­volved in pro­duc­ing new ser­vices and of­fer a mod­ern pub­lish­ing plat­form for Ylä-Sa­takun­ta's read­ers. Ac­cord­ing to sta­tis­tics, the mo­bile site has proven to be a very strong chan­nel for the ylasa­takun­ ser­vice, says Janne Ahramo at Any­graaf.

Fur­ther in­for­ma­tion:
Juk­ka Huikko, CEO-Ed­i­tor-in-Chief, Ylä-Sa­takun­nan Sanomale­hti Oy, Ylä-Sa­takun­ta, tel 029 1706 681, juk­ka.huikko@ylasa­takun­, www.ylasa­takun­