The in­au­gur­al Print and Pa­per News­pa­per Con­fer­ence will be at the Vi­ka cin­e­ma in Oslo on 7 Sep­tem­ber 2023. And Any­graaf will be there to dis­cuss our port­fo­lio of prod­ucts and ser­vices with the in­dus­try's lead­ers.

-In­creased pa­per prices are eat­ing up the me­dia's prof­its, Ad­ver­tis­ers are queu­ing up to spend ad­ver­tis­ing mon­ey on so­cial me­dia, fre­quen­cy cuts are be­com­ing more fre­quent and we are in yet an­oth­er year char­ac­ter­ized as a "year of fate" for pa­per news­pa­pers. Me­di­er24

We couldn't agree more and we're look­ing for­ward to speak­ing with con­fer­ence at­ten­dees about the strate­gies that we see work­ing for our world­wide clients us­ing our so­lu­tions.

About Any­graaf:

Ap­proach­ing our third decade of op­er­a­tion as an in­de­pen­dent soft­ware ven­dor ser­vic­ing pub­lish­ers world­wide makes us unique. Grate­ful too. Our prod­uct road map has been de­vel­oped, re­vised and de­liv­ered with the ben­e­fit of ded­i­cat­ed col­leagues who pur­sue the evolv­ing chal­lenges of the mar­ket. From our world­wide head­quar­ters in Fin­land, Any­graaf is meet­ing and ex­ceed­ing the ex­pec­ta­tions of our clients. Through our re­gion­al of­fices and part­ners, our team has the priv­i­lege to speak with pub­lish­ing pro­fes­sion­als as they grow their suc­cess, while main­tain­ing their cus­tomers’ ex­pec­ta­tions. It’s ac­cu­rate to say, we’re not on­ly in this to­geth­er, but we’re count­ing on our clients for fu­ture In­no­va­tions.