Any­graaf will join our col­leagues as we ad­dress our in­dus­try's chal­lenges and unique op­por­tu­ni­ties.

Themes that will shape NRS23

Un­lock the pow­er of AI and au­toma­tion for your news­room: How can you lever­age and em­brace ma­chine learn­ing and AI in the news­room?

Ed­i­to­r­i­al met­rics that mat­ter: Learn from pub­lish­ers about the mea­sure­ments and tools giv­ing them a bet­ter un­der­stand­ing of their read­ers, help­ing them to achieve greater reach and to con­vert and re­tain sub­scribers.

Au­di­ences-first jour­nal­ism: Know­ing your au­di­ence bet­ter will yield greater en­gage­ment. What are the key tac­tics to in­crease au­di­ence en­gage­ment and im­prove your con­tent so that you bet­ter meet the needs of your read­ers?

Rel­e­vance and en­gage­ment: Time to fo­cus on the needs of fu­ture read­ers. How can you con­nect bet­ter with the next gen­er­a­tion of read­ers? What are the most ef­fi­cient dis­tri­b­u­tion chan­nels to bet­ter con­nect with each of your au­di­ence groups?

News­room or­ga­ni­za­tion and col­lab­o­ra­tion: New roles in the news­room keep be­ing cre­at­ed. What can you do to im­prove lead­er­ship and step up col­lab­o­ra­tion in your news­room? What plans can you em­u­late to find, on­board, de­vel­op and keep the best tal­ent? How do you col­lab­o­rate with oth­ers to im­prove your cov­er­age?

Any­graaf is look­ing for­ward to speak­ing with con­fer­ence at­ten­dees about the strate­gies that we al­ready see work­ing for our world­wide clients us­ing our so­lu­tions.

About Any­graaf:

Ap­proach­ing our third decade of op­er­a­tion as an in­de­pen­dent soft­ware ven­dor ser­vic­ing pub­lish­ers world­wide makes us unique. Grate­ful too. Our prod­uct road map has been de­vel­oped, re­vised and de­liv­ered with the ben­e­fit of ded­i­cat­ed col­leagues who pur­sue the evolv­ing chal­lenges of the mar­ket. From our world­wide head­quar­ters in Fin­land, Any­graaf is meet­ing and ex­ceed­ing the ex­pec­ta­tions of our clients. Through our re­gion­al of­fices and part­ners, our team has the priv­i­lege to speak with pub­lish­ing pro­fes­sion­als as they grow their suc­cess, while main­tain­ing their cus­tomers’ ex­pec­ta­tions. It’s ac­cu­rate to say, we’re not on­ly in this to­geth­er, but we’re count­ing on our clients for fu­ture In­no­va­tions.